How to search Avery Index
There are a few options available for searching Avery database: simple and advanced.
Simple search allows for searching by keyword (a word which appears anywhere in the record), author , title word, abstract word, subject word, or name of a journal. To get the full list of indexed journals scroll down a search screen and click on a link "List of journals". To find approved forms of subject headings click on a "Full display" button to get full records with possible subject headings and then select an appropriate one(s).
The Advanced (Refined) search offers options to search by Author word as well as by exact Author's name, by title word and by exact title (if known). It is also possible to search combining words in different fields by using Boolean operators: AND, OR, NOT
Boolean operators can help to make your search more focused.
If you are not sure of spelling of a word or a term use truncation mark "?" For example, searching for a subject word memorial? you will get "memorial parks" as well as "war memorials". If you get too many results you can limit your search by specifying date, language, or country of publication.
You can use "limit" option to locate records with illustrations: plans, maps, photos, elevations, isometric drawings, etc (select type of illustrations from the menu and apply limits).
If you have more questions, ask at the reference desk for help.