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Listed alphabetically by professor.
Bertol, Daniela
Bertol, Daniela. Designing digital space: an architect's guide to virtual reality. Wiley, c1997.
Bertol, Daniela. Visualizing with CAD: an Auto CAD exploration of geometric and architectural forms. TELOS, c1994.
Celik, Zeynep
Celik, Zeynep. Displaying the Orient: architecture of Islam at nineteenth-century world's fairs. University of California Press, c1992.
Celik, Zeynep. The remaking of Istanbul: portrait of an Ottoman city in the nineteenth century. University of California Press, c1993.
Celik, Zeynep, Diane Favro, and Richard Ingersoll (editors). Streets: critical perspectives on public space. University of California Press, c1994.
Celik, Zeynep. Urban forms and colonial confrontations: Algiers under French rule. University of California Press, c1997